I am a Creative Director specializing in Digital Products, you can call me Shukri. This is my little corner on the web.
Dispelling Notions about Creative Directors and their Portfolios. While whispers may suggest that these visionaries fall short in the digital showcase of their work, we’re here to shatter that misconception and reveal the truth that lies beyond the surface.
Prepare to be captivated by a visual symphony that defies tradition and reimagines the concept of a portfolio. Each click and scroll will transport you to a world of extraordinary creations, where colors dance, narratives unfold, and innovation takes flight.

My Story
Learn how I became a Creative Director, and how I make digital awesomeness ever since!

Reach Out
Want to work together? Send me an email and we’ll chat. Catch you on the flip side!

Get Social
I’m all in to make it mind-blowing! Follow me online to see some new creative shenanigans, first.