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Astro Radio streaming mobile app (2018)

Long before we had our first mobile apps, Astro Radio was already paving the way for streaming applications. In fact, they were busy building their first radio streaming application. It’s been a long and winding journey, but Astro Radio has come a long way since then. Let’s take a look back at its first radio streaming application.

Astro Radio is one of Malaysia’s leading radio broadcasters, with a diverse mix of stations to cater to different audiences.

Since its inception, the company has always been at the forefront of innovation, combining the best of radio with advancements in technology. It’s no wonder that they were one of the first radio broadcasters in Malaysia to develop a streaming application.

Astro Radio’s first radio streaming application was developed over a decade ago, during a time when smartphones were still in their infancy, and mobile applications were a relatively new concept. However, that didn’t stop Astro Radio from exploring the possibilities of radio on-the-go.

The application was designed to cater to the growing needs of consumers who wanted to listen to their favorite radio stations while on the move. The app was launched with four of Astro Radio’s popular radio stations – ERA fm, HITZ fm, MY fm, and THR Raaga.

As with any prototype, the application had its share of bugs and glitches. However, Astro Radio’s team of developers worked tirelessly to fix these issues, and the application evolved over time, getting better with each update.

Live Radio streaming

Live screen will show all the streaming information.These information are including the current show,which song is playing, and user also can navigate to see what is the previous 10 songs that have been played on air

Articles page

Article feed will contains all of the article that is shown on the website.

Local Podcasts and Radio rewinds

These podcast list will be grab from audioboom of each individual station.

Looking back, it’s amazing to see how far Astro Radio has come since its first radio streaming application. Today, the company’s applications are feature-rich, with social media integration, on-demand content, podcast support, and much more.

Astro Radio’s commitment to innovation doesn’t stop there. Today, they continue to push the envelope with new app features, functionalities, and technologies. It’s an exciting time for the company’s listeners, who can expect more exciting features, better experiences, and more content than ever before.

In conclusion, the journey of Astro Radio’s first radio streaming application is a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation and delivering the best possible experience to their listeners. Though the technology we use to listen to the radio has advanced beyond imagination, Astro Radio continues to stay ahead of the curve and deliver content across multiple platforms